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Live Webinar de Carrière avec Swiss Life Select
6:30 PM18:30

Live Webinar de Carrière avec Swiss Life Select

Vous avez votre carrière en ligne de mire? Êtes-vous satisfait(e) de votre profession
ou de votre poste de travail? Devez-vous faire un choix professionnel, envisagez-vous
de changer d’emploi ou souhaitez-vous devenir indépendant? Vous préférez gravir
les échelons d’un groupe de sociétés ou devenir entrepreneur? Vous souhaitez assurer
votre succès professionnel? Quelle voie devez-vous suivre? Et quels sont les ingrédients
du succès?

Ce séminaire s’adresse aux personnes en fin de scolarité, aux jeunes diplômés, aux
personnes en reconversion professionnelle, à tous ceux qui réintègrent le marché du
travail ou qui souhaitent se réorienter professionnellement. Êtes-vous prêt(e) pour le
changement? Il n’est jamais trop tard pour se développer personnellement et trouver
sa vraie vocation. La participation est gratuite.

Nous nous réjouissons de vous rencontrer!

Le nombre de participants est limité, réservez votre place rapidement dès maintenant!

Trois dates sont planifiées pour ce séminaire: voici les liens pour l’inscription:

Live webinar carrière 2020-05.jpg
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Atelier Design Thinking avec SwissLife Select
to Dec 10

Atelier Design Thinking avec SwissLife Select

Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer notre prochain atelier de Design Thinking en collaboration avec SwissLife Select. La thématique portera cette fois sur l'acquisition de nouveaux clients et la méthodologie derrière un tel processus.

Le Design Thinking a pour but d’appliquer la démarche d’un designer pour répondre à un problème ou à un projet d’innovation, lors d’ateliers de co-conception. Cette manière de réfléchir et d’innover s’appuie principalement sur des retours d’utilisateurs. C’est pourquoi, un tel atelier serait intéressant pour développer des solutions sur une problématique touchant à l’innovation dans l'acquisition de clients.

Cet atelier est réservé aux étudiants uniquement. Il est important d’être libre les deux soirs soit le mercredi 4 décembre et le mardi 10 décembre de 17h30 à 21h30. Un certificat de participation sera distribué à la fin de l’atelier.

Lieu et dates : Innovation Lab, 17h30-21h30, le 04 et 10 décembre 2019.

Places limitées et inscription obligatoire!

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Le Wagon Workshop - Code your First Web Page - Fribourg
6:00 PM18:00

Le Wagon Workshop - Code your First Web Page - Fribourg


This is a FREE coding workshop on HTML & CSS for absolute beginners

Together we will explore the world of web development, teach you to code and design your own web page using HTML and CSS. You do NOT need any prior coding experience to be able to attend (and enjoy!) this workshop.

In this workshop you will be:

  • Guided carefully through HTML / CSS basics

  • Shown lots of graphical tips and tools

  • Introduced to Bootstrap and its grid system

How to prepare and what to bring:

It will be led in ENGLISH by Thibault Jaime - Le Wagon Coding Bootcamp in Lausanne.

See you soon!

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Design Thinking Bootcamp
to Mar 5

Design Thinking Bootcamp

  • Innovation Lab Fribourg (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Empathy and experimentation. Inspiration and ideation. This Design Thinking Bootcamp is a dynamic mix of short instructional lectures, demonstrations, and guided hands-on teamwork.

In this program, which has an 8-to-1 student-teacher ratio, you’ll learn many elements of user-centered prototype-driven design thinking processes, all of which will be taught by trained coaches and university experts. You’ll put those new tools into practice right away with a real-world innovation challenge from an outside company. You and your team will take to the field with interviews and observations of customers to better understand what motivates them.

Your ability to implement the design thinking principles and practices that you’ve learned is our top priority. That’s why we’ll help you create action plans for real work projects and provide post-program coaching: In this way, you’ll be able to successfully execute innovation in your own organization.

Gregory Grin

After completing a General Management Program at Harvard Business School, Gregory Grin became a well-known name in Innovation. From co-founding his own business to launching TEDx Fribourg, he has acquired extensive experience in developing and launching new companies. He is now the Managing Director of FriUp, the official support organization for business creation in Fribourg.

Anne-Claude Cosandey

Founder of Ateliers C, specialized in project management and collaborative processes, Anne-Claude Cosandey is the former director of EPFL Fribourg and the Smart Living Lab (linking EPFL, HEIA-FR and the University of Fribourg) for research on future living environments.

Free for Innovation Club members (become a member:
CHF 30.- for Students
CHF 70.- for Professionals

This program will take place in two parts on the following dates : 04.03.19 and 05.03.19 from 5:30pm to 9:30pm . It’s only after having attended the two days of bootcamp that you will receive a certificate of course completion.

Mandatory signup. Please contact to get your ticket

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Design Thinking Bootcamp
to Mar 5

Design Thinking Bootcamp

  • Innovation Lab Fribourg (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Empathy and experimentation. Inspiration and ideation. This Design Thinking Bootcamp is a dynamic mix of short instructional lectures, demonstrations, and guided hands-on teamwork.

In this program, which has an 8-to-1 student-teacher ratio, you’ll learn many elements of user-centered prototype-driven design thinking processes, all of which will be taught by trained coaches and university experts. You’ll put those new tools into practice right away with a real-world innovation challenge from an outside company. You and your team will take to the field with interviews and observations of customers to better understand what motivates them.

Your ability to implement the design thinking principles and practices that you’ve learned is our top priority. That’s why we’ll help you create action plans for real work projects and provide post-program coaching: In this way, you’ll be able to successfully execute innovation in your own organization.

Gregory Grin

After completing a General Management Program at Harvard Business School, Gregory Grin became a well-known name in Innovation. From co-founding his own business to launching TEDx Fribourg, he has acquired extensive experience in developing and launching new companies. He is now the Managing Director of FriUp, the official support organization for business creation in Fribourg.

Anne-Claude Cosandey

Founder of Ateliers C, specialized in project management and collaborative processes, Anne-Claude Cosandey is the former director of EPFL Fribourg and the Smart Living Lab (linking EPFL, HEIA-FR and the University of Fribourg) for research on future living environments.

Free for Innovation Club members (become a member:
CHF 30.- for Students
CHF 70.- for Professionals

This program will take place in two parts on the following dates : 04.03.19 and 05.03.19 from 5:30pm to 9:30pm. It’s only after having attended the two days of bootcamp that you will receive a certificate of course completion.

Mandatory signup. Please contact to get your ticket

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6:30 PM18:30

Introduction à L'Arduino

Ce workshop a pour but de donner les bases nécessaires à l'utilisation du circuit Arduino pour créer des prototypes interactifs. Le workshop sera constitué de 30 minutes de théorie et ensuite que des exercices pratiques que les participants pourraient choisir parmi plusieurs possibilités.

Registration par EMail:

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5:00 PM17:00

Customer Insights Workshop

The success of your innovation depends mainly on the customers. But, who are they? And what do they really need/want? This Innovation Club Workshop provides you different tools to better understand customer needs in order to deliver real customer-value:

The better you know their needs, the greater your success!

Sébastien Niclasse, UX Designer and Coach @INNOArchitects, will hand over each participant a Customer Insights certification.

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Innovation Campus - Rasch
5:30 PM17:30

Innovation Campus - Rasch

Can we influence memory formation processes during sleep?

Tihs and other questions are asked and answered in the research group of Prof. Bjoern Rasch. Together with the Innovation Club Fribourg, his group presents there current work and the participants can have a glimpse at their sleep-laboratory.

Maybe you want sleep for research some time?

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