Retail services as we know them are on the verge of dying. In recent years, new digital technologies such as online mega-stores, ultrafast drone deliveries or microscopic 3D printing have overhauled this industry’s landscape. More and more buyers are demanding a seamless omnichannel experience and a flawless service. The real question now is to know how businesses are adapting to these new demands and how startups in retail are flourishing.
What is E-nnovation? How can it make tomorrow a better place? What will happen to companies that won’t adapt? We invited Kim Cheng from Cisco to answer these questions in a round table discussion, Monday, 12th November 2018 at the Innovation Lab in Fribourg. Join us for this rich exchange about these incredible new technologies that are changing the way we interact with each other.
Our speaker : Kim Cheng - She studied in Stanford University and is currently working for Cisco.